May 31, 2008


Complexity : 4/10 (intermediate)

If a note is repeated or tied weak to strong, and rises a step, then it is a possible candidate for retardation. Their use is comparatively rare.

- Although the retardation of the leading note is the most common, the 3rd and 5th of a major or minor triad, as well as the 7th of V7 can be delayed by a retardation. The root may only be so delayed by a note that is a semitone below it.
- If a single retardation is used, it should ALWAYS be in the soprano.
- It is best to retard the 3rd alongwith the 3rd, and the 5th alongwith the 3rd to ensure musically effective retardations.
- Never use retardations in the bass. Though possibly correct musically, they are invariably ineffective.

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